_Present day — 2023

After letting 18 months pass between a near-final edit and finally publishing this, I decided I’d finally had enough of the procrastination, perfectionism and pissing-about that had crippled my moviemaking in the past — it was time for action.

On the 11th of August 2023, I committed to feeding one motion picture once a day, every day, to the bottomless maws of Solitude Media™.

This work-in-public video sketchbook been transformational for me. Every day I get a chance to play, explore and experiment. To make mistakes and learn new techniques. To be present and share presence with others. I’ll keep doing it until it makes sense not to.

The term “dailies” comes from an old Hollywood practice of developing each shooting day’s footage so the studios could make sure the director is doing a good job.

Watch them all in reverse chronological order below, or follow along in your feeds here and/or here.